Plastics Grinding

Plastics Grinding

Boaz Bowersock

Plastics Grinding Division Sales Manager

700 Industrial Drive
Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

Direct Phone:
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What We Offer

A Midwest Elastomers é especializada em moagem de polímeros plásticos, adesivos e ingredientes para a indústria de polímeros.

Nossos equipamentos consistem em granuladores, moinhos de martelos, moinhos de atrito, moinhos de rolos para criogenia, moagem ambiente e classificação.

We are experienced in producing acrylic polystyrene, polyester, ABS, PVC, TPE, TPU, polypropylene, nylon, EVA, adhesives and more. Particle distribution for cryogenic grinding 10 mesh to 80 mesh.


  • Our equipment is sized for jobs from 1,000 pounds to truckloads.
  • We can break down large sheets and can pre-process tough materials.
  • Post Process heaters to control moisture on Cryogenic Processes
  • Use of Sweco Classifiers for sharp cut of particle size distribution.


Cumberland Granulators

Mikropul Cryogenic Hammer Mills

Moinho de atrito criogênico de engenharia de redução

American Pulverizer Hammer Mills

Gundlach Roll Mills


Color Chips

Solid surface color chips.


Powders for injection molding and extrusion.

Concentrated Powders

Concentrados de cores em pó.

Interior do carro

PVC, TPR. TPE grinding for auto interior skins.

Ground Polymers

Ground polymers for roto molding.


Recycled polymer grinding and more.

Tamanho de partícula

R & D Trial Process

Conte-nos suas necessidades:
  • Material type, feed size
  • Desired size, particle size distribution
  • Volume requirements
Provide us:
  • An MSDS Sheet
  • A small sample (100 grams-1 pound)
We will:
  • Evaluate MSDS data
  • Conduct lab scale trial
  • Contact you regarding a trial on production equipment
Primeiro teste:
  • At least 50 pounds needed to determine grinding characteristics
  • 500-1000 pound trial will give indication of production throughput and cost/pound

Pronto para começar?

*General first trial setup fee is $1250 US Dollars.

Ligue para nós em 419.738.8844

Plastics Grinding Support

We provide consistent quality ground plastics products and quality service to our customers through our ISO 9001:2008 based quality system.

Ensuring quality for our customers with these available tests:
  • Particle size distribution
  • Teor de umidade
  • Contamination
  • Pourability
  • Bulk density

* Particle size distribution is by RotTap® method.

Trabalhamos com empresas no desenvolvimento de especificações para garantir que suas necessidades de plásticos moídos sejam satisfeitas. Do recebimento de matérias-primas até o envio de produtos acabados, a MEI se dedica a fornecer produtos e serviços de plásticos moídos de qualidade. Certificados de análise em cada pedido!

Nylon-6 Material Reduction

Wapakoneta, Ohio, August 24, 2018: MEI is proud to announce the addition of capabilities for size reduction of Nylon-6 materials. An investment in a state of the art climate controlled facility allows MEI to produce Nylon 6 material from 20 to 35 mesh for the rotational molding industry and finer sizes (60 mesh) for other markets. This addition in processing capabilities allows MEI to control the amount of moisture added to hydroscopic sensitive materials during the grinding and packaging phase. Finished goods moisture content is targeted from 0.05 – .15%.

For more information please feel free to contact:

Boaz Bowersock
Sales Manager, Plastics Grinding Division

700 Industrial Drive
Wapakoneta, OH 45895

(419) 738-5425
(419) 996-8141

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